In the wake of legends

5 days horseback riding/6 nights

Price: 830 euro/person

Comfortable wandering riding in the Szeklerland in the Nagyhagymas National Park and Gymes

In the course of our trip we wander in the Nagyhagymás National Park (the only national park of Szeklerland) where we can have a look at some hidden and untouched mountain landscapes, dense forests, breath-taking peaks and crystal clear waters. Some of these places used to have a very important historical role, some others try to certify their own presence through a range of fairy-tales and legends known and cherished by local people.
A diversity of these areas give us the possibility to have short and long gallops but the more difficult slopes make the riders get off and walk. While we are on the top of the Nagyhagymás mountain (1792m) we have the feeling that we are on the top of the world.

Information about this tour

  • We start from Csíkszentdomokos and our tour contains 6 overnight stays / 5 riding days
  • Duration of the rides varies from 5 to 6 hours
  • Food: for lunch we have a picnic, for breakfast and dinner we offer hot meals
  • Accomodation: 4 nights in a guest house and 2 nights in a forest house
  • Size of the group: minimum 3, maximum 6 people
  • Personal package: in saddlebags, respectively, we take it to the houses in a car
  • Tour price: From 830€/ person.The price depending on the number of participants
  • The tour is for advanced riders
  • We can organise this tour in an entirely comfortable way but then the price differs from the one mentioned before.

Tour program

1st day

Arrival in Csíkszendomokos, getting to know each other, discussing the details of the tour at the dinner table.

2nd day

Pásztorbükk tour
On this day we start our first trail-riding tour.We make a one-day tour to Pásztorbükk, a place where prince-bishop Báthory Endre was captured and killed. During our tour we learn about the historical significance of this place and about its legends. After that we visit a sheepfold where we can taste cheese and orda (a sort of whey cheese).
In the afternoon we visit the local museum and we present the national costume and some local traditions of the people living in this village.

3rd day

Csíki alps tour
We begin our 4-days adventure tour.
We saddle up the horses,we pack in our saddle bags and we ride up to the peak of Naskalat, to the Kondra cross (1553m), this is the runaway route of the 32 border hunter batallion.
You will have the possibility to learn about the history of this batallion. Accomodation is in Gálkút valley, in a hostel.

4th day

Háromkút tour
From Gálkút valley we climb to the Tarkö mountain(1460m) from where we make a bypass to Öcsém (1708), then through a devious valley we descend to a village in Gymes named Háromkút. We get the accomodation at a local family, later we visit a warm water-spring at the feet of the Nagyhagymás mountain.

5th day

Nagyhagymás mountain tour
We arrive to a more difficult section, namely, we have to get on the top of the Nagyhagymás mountain which is up at 1792m high.We go along this chalk cliff-ridge on horse till we reach the Egyeskő (Lonely Rock)1608m where we take a rest, then we descend to our accomodation in a forest house. During this tour you will hear about the legend of the Ördögmalom which can be found in the Nagyhagymás mountain.

6th day

Várbükk tour
Leaving our last accomodation we return to Csíkszentdomokos on the edge of the Várbükk mountain. On the way back we can see the whole Hagymás mountain, and the Csík alps where we had been earlier. Dinner and accomodation in Csikszentdomokos.

7th day

Breakfast,travelling home

The price includes: horse,horse equipment,guiding,accomodation,meal,visiting the museum and the national costume presentation.
The price doesn’t include spirits and insurance.
What you need to have: aincoat,waterproof boots,gaiters,head lamp,water bottle,helmet,sleeping bag, warm clothing.